Jamey Blakely

Sep 30, 2024 1:03:24 PM | Behind the Scenes at Reframe: Meet Jamey Blakely, Sr. Software Engineer

Jamey Blakely is a man of contrasts - steady in his routines, yet always ready to set out into the unknown. From jumping out of airplanes to crafting innovative software solutions, Jamey’s career reflects both an adventurous spirit and a meticulous mind. His journey to Reframe, where he serves as Senior Software Engineer, feels like a perfect alignment of his technical expertise and passion for pushing boundaries.

The moment he stumbled upon the job posting at Reframe, it felt personal - something clicked. It wasn’t just another role in a long line of engineering jobs - it was like someone had tailored this position just for him. His decades of experience in software development, finding ways to make disparate technologies work together, matched perfectly with Reframe’s vision: to build a product that integrates everything on a computer, enhancing human performance. The fit was undeniable, like a missing puzzle piece finally clicking into place.

“It was as if someone had asked me to write a job posting for my dream job,” Jamey would later reflect, still marveling at the serendipity of it all.

A Talent for Integration

Jamey’s deep understanding of integration comes from years of working with a wide variety of technologies.

“I have a lot of experience dealing with lots of different technologies and finding ways to make things work together that, at first glance, may not seem like they can work together,” he explains. “Integration often means looking beyond an API and finding creative ways to get things to work, and I think that’s a skill I’ve built up over the years.”

This ability to see beyond the surface and find innovative solutions is exactly what makes him such a strong fit for Reframe.

Coding had been a huge part of his life since he was 10 years old. What started as a childhood curiosity quickly grew into a lifelong passion and over the years, he’s tackled increasingly complex challenges, mastering the art of making technology more efficient and connected. By the time he joined Reframe, Jamey was a seasoned expert in his field, but this new role was unlike anything he had done before. It wasn’t just about fixing what was broken - it was about creating something entirely new.

Venturing Into the Unknown

Every day brings new challenges. Mornings might begin predictably, with two glasses of water, catching up on the news, and sending his son off to school before starting the day’s work. But once the workday starts, predictability gives way to invention. Building Reframe’s software means writing code for a system that has never existed before. Every line of code is part of an experiment, every solution a step into uncharted territory.

“The most exciting and challenging part is that since we are building something completely new, there is a lot of inventing that needs to be done,” he explains. “Which is always a bit hard, but that is what makes it fun. I’ve been hooked on programming since I was a kid and I still get just as excited about coming up with new ways to do things.”

For Jamey, the fun is in the problem-solving. He’s not just integrating systems - he’s helping to build a product that could change the way people interact with their computers. In a world where technology often feels like an obstacle, he sees the potential for Reframe to shift the paradigm. With Reframe, computers could finally work the way they should - by understanding the context within which people worked, and by reducing the mental burden of constantly switching between apps. The idea is to create a digital workspace that supports human creativity and focus, instead of detracting from it.

“Reframe is going to unlock a new level of human capacity and productivity. Despite the immense computing power at our fingertips, it feels like we’ve barely scratched the surface of what’s possible,” he says. “We should be achieving far more - and with Reframe, we will.”

The Batman of Code

This drive for invention and discovery doesn’t stop at his desk either. Outside of work, that same curiosity fuels his other passions. He once jumped out of an airplane - a totally unexpected surprise from his otherwise structured, day-to-day life.

And if given the chance to choose a superpower, he’d opt for a photographic memory - kinda like the Batman of the coding world, where his ability to recall details with precision and clarity would come in handy for remembering and applying coding patterns and ideas, reusing every piece of code he's ever written or seen! A fitting, invaluable tool for someone constantly immersed in solving complex technical challenges and the ultimate edge for any software engineer.

It’s this intriguing mix of structure, courage, and spontaneity that makes Jamey not only a strong software engineer but an invaluable asset to the Reframe team. And as the company continues to grow, his forward-thinking approach will undoubtedly help shape the future of how we work with computers. His enthusiasm for Reframe’s mission - to unlock the full potential of digital tools and make computers truly work for us - is contagious.

“Computing technology is certainly still advancing, but the impact of computers in terms of helping a person do more hasn’t really changed in the last 25 years,” he points out, a statement that underscores the urgency and ambition of our collective goals.

As we move forward, Jamey’s ability to navigate complex systems with precision will be key to shaping Reframe’s future, and his love of technology and creative problem-solving will continue to help us push the boundaries of what’s possible. We’re lucky to have him on our team and are excited to reframe the future of work together.

Nada Elkady

Written By: Nada Elkady

With over 25 years of experience working with and leading high-performing teams, Nada knows all too well the pains of cognitive load, context switching, misalignment, and the impact they have on our well-being, operational excellence, and organizational growth. Nada is passionate about Reframe's technology, believing it will transform the future of work. Outside of Reframe, she's a leadership coach, startup advisor, dedicated runner, and was a single mom of three kids for 16 years, bringing resilience and tenacity to everything she does.