flipping the workflow

Sep 17, 2024 9:28:38 AM | Flipping the Workflow: Getting Computers to Work Like Us

In our last post, we explored how computers force us to work backwards. Instead of focusing on the task at hand, we’re stuck jumping between apps, tools, and context, trying to piece together our work environments in inefficient ways. In today’s post, we’re going to look into how we can actually fix this, and how Reframe is pioneering a new system that aligns computers with the way we naturally think and work.

The Backward Flow: Tool → Context → Work

Think about the way most of us interact with project management tools like Asana, Trello, or Monday.com. The process goes like this: open the tools, find the right board, locate the right task, search for the relevant document, and only then can you begin to do the actual work. This creates a workflow where tools come first and the work itself - what we should be focusing on - gets lost in the shuffle.

This workflow forces us into a cycle of inefficiency. It’s not that tools like Slack, Google Docs, or Asana are broken. No. These apps were designed to make certain tasks easier, but they were never designed to work together seamlessly. They operate in silos, which forces us - the users - to bridge the gaps between them.

This tool-first approach leads to unnecessary cognitive load. We spend more time switching between apps, piecing together context, and trying to remember where we left off than actually focusing on the work.

Flipping the Flow: Work → Context → Tool

So what’s the solution? At Reframe, we believe the workflow should be flipped. Instead of starting with tools, we should start with the work. From there, all the necessary context - documents, conversations, relevant updates - should come to us automatically. Finally, the tools needed to complete the work should follow seamlessly, without having to search for them.

This shift “Work → Context → Tool” mirrors the way our brains naturally operate. We don’t think in terms of tools first. We focus on the work, then gather the necessary context, and only after that do we choose the right tools to complete the job.

Why Today’s Digital Workflows Are Failing Us

The current way we work, using the desktop metaphor and application-based multitasking, was a huge success when it was introduced. It allowed us to run multiple programs at once and multitask between them. But the primary goal of this system wasn’t to maximize productivity; it was to manage how resources like the CPU, memory, and screen space were divided among programs.

The problem is that this architecture left us with application silos. Instead of integrating and flowing together, each app operates independently, and it’s up to us to copy and paste, manually move information, and create makeshift systems to keep everything organized. The only built-in mechanism for connecting these silos is copy-n-paste. A relic from the days of when we still were working with actual physical paper documents

The result? We’re stuck doing meta work - managing our tools and piecing together the context - before we can even start on the real work. This fragmented environment leaves us mentally drained and distracted.

Fixing This With a Visual Grammar for Work

At Reframe, we’re building a new kind of digital environment - what we call an Organized Work Environment (OWE) - designed to flip the workflow. But it goes deeper than just changing the order of operations. We’re introducing a new visual language for collaboration, designed to integrate work, context, and tools into a seamless, cohesive environment.

Here’s how it works:

  • Work First: Start with the task or project. What are you trying to accomplish? What’s the work at hand?
  • Context Follows: Instantly, all the relevant information - documents, discussions, updates - comes together. No more digging through email threads or Slack channels.
  • Tools Last: Once the work and context are in place, the tools you need are automatically available. You’re not switching between apps. You’re working within a single, integrated stream of information.

This isn’t just about efficiency. It’s about aligning your digital environment with the way your brain naturally works. Instead of fragmenting your focus, Reframe’s OWE brings everything together in one place, so you can stay in the flow and focus on what really matters.

Creating the Eureka Moment

This shift isn’t unprecedented. We’ve seen similar revolutions in other fields like the transition from 2D drafting to 3D CAD in mechanical design, or the move from card catalogs to search engines like Google. In each case, the introduction of a new grammar or language fundamentally transformed the way we worked, allowing us to do more, faster and with fewer errors.

At Reframe, we’re creating a similar revolution for knowledge work. Our goal is to develop a visual grammar for collaboration. A new system that goes beyond the limitations of today’s siloed applications. With Reframe, you won’t have to manually stitch together information or jump between tools. The context will follow you, and the tools will support you, rather than standing in your way.

Building the Future of Work

The key to making this work is developing a system where context is a first-class citizen. Instead of copy/pasting links, retyping information, or constantly switching between apps, Reframe’s OWE captures the context of your work, across all your tools, and ensures it stays with you, no matter what you’re working on.

Our vision isn’t to create yet another app to add to the noise. We’re building a new layer - a system that integrates all your existing tools into a unified, work-centered environment. Imagine never having to search for context again. Imagine all your work streams automatically organized and accessible, with the tools you need at your fingertips.

At Reframe, we’re flipping the workflow and designing the eureka moment for knowledge work. Just like 3D CAD did for mechanical engineering and high-level programming languages did for software development.

Want to see for yourself? Be the first to try out Reframe’s Organized Work Environment >

Jeff Szczepanski

Written By: Jeff Szczepanski

Jeffrey Szczepanski a.k.a "Tall Jeff" is the founder and CEO of Reframe Technologies. He is an engineer by training, a serial entrepreneur and business leader renowned for scaling startups. His work spans the spectrum from CTO to COO, with successful exits including Allworx, a pioneer in VOIP telephony acquired by PAETEC Communications, Sphere Knowledge chat system acquired by Twitter and Stack Overflow developer community, acquired by Prosus N.V. for $1.8B.